Thursday, February 28, 2013

cej #5

cej 5
CNN politics

              Without an agreement, $85 billion in hated spending cuts begin Friday. The cuts are from the sequester, which Congress and President Barack Obama agreed to in hopes of making them want to stop them that it forces them to reach an alternative.  So what do you think many lawmakers did the day before the  cuts take effect?  Leave.  Before noon on Thursday, many lawmakers walked down the Capitol steps and into awaiting cars to leave Washington. Democrats criticized Republicans for not even staying for the cuts to start coming. Republicans then fought back telling off Democrats for not stepping up to do more.  They blamed each other but didn't do any work.  A few alternatives were proposed but they were all shot-down
         It doesn't look as though these cut would be very good.  I am seeing that things aren't looking up.  I don't believe that this was a smart idea.

Ender's Game Questions Chapt. 6 - 8

 Chapter 6 – The Giant’s Drink
1.The game is to be unbeatable.  He should be amazed and he doesn't mean to win in that way.
Chapter 7 – Salamander
1.salaam.  It was a very big gift to give.
2.Living is just staying in one place not changing moving switching.  Ender has never done it.
3.Petra taught him.  She also makes him a greater target for salamander.
4.leadership through fear doesn't get you everywhere.  All objects are to your advantage thus making them an advantage for your enemy as well.
Chapter 8 – Rat
1.Ender replicates the tactics quickly and knows a lot.
2.Ender wasn't learning he was replicating.
3. he uses defense as an attack and a propulsion system.
4.attack defense and regret.
5.The computer looks into his past adjusts to the present and simulates.
6.It fights the teachers and Ender himself that is what makes it important.

enders game q's 9-11

Chap. 9
1.  They both can manipulate each other but here Peter has been manipulating Valentine. Even though Peter has clearly already won, valentine still has the power.
2.  Locke believed everything we know is about experience and peter finds that as an important part of his argument.  Demosthenes and valentine are writers great writers.
3.Ender has no control.
chap. 10
1.Ender was a leader that wants his army to stay on track.  He just wants them to be the best.
2.he made him a target because that was how he was treated and just didn't feel that he could teach Bean.
3.Salaam means peace.
4.Ender is sad again.  It wasn't a mistake though.
Chapter 11 – Veni Vidi Vici
1.It seems as though the computer looks at his past, but it still doesn't know Ender.
2.Ender doesn't want to lose the battle because he'd lose his respect.
3.They're testing him, seeing if he is able to move far.
4.Ender couldn't get any ideas, but then Bean got a lot and Ender would be proud because no one would expect them.
5.Ender started his army fresh and immediately they learned fought and won.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

cej 4

       French President Francois Hollande goes To Mali
      Cej #4
           On February 2nd the french president met with Mali's president in Mali.  They did this after defeating Al-Qaeda troops in Timbuktu.  He visited Timbuktu's library of ancient manuscripts.  People were cheering for the french president.  They held up french flags.  France retook three major northern cities.  The french president said he was going to lessen the ground troops to allow the African forces to fight.  He also said "The mission is not over but once the operation was finished, the French would leave because our African friends will be able to carry on doing the job that we have done until now." Around 800 French forces took part in the effort to free Timbuktu.
                  I felt that this was a great story to use because it really tells what is going on in that part of the world.  It also tells of how the world just can and can't get along both pulling the world apart and pushing it together the only problem with that is that the world will either implode or explode if any major change is introduced. That could possible lead to a third world war.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

cej 3

Lenovo's latest break through in touch screen laptops and tablets
cej 3
    Lenovo, founded in 1984 this company has been creating computers that have started to surpass apple in speed and durability.  Right now I'm going to right about two specific new touch screens and one older version.  The first one I'm going to right about is the thinkPad Helix.  The thinkPad Helix is the newest tablet from lenovo.  It right now looks as though it will be available to buy in April or May. The Helix (the second of the thinkPad tablets) has Up to a 3rd generation Intel Core i7 processor, Up to 256GB SSD storage, Up to 8GB DDR3 memory, and weighs 1.8 lbs as a tablet, and 3.8 lbs with the keyboard.  It can be used as a tablet, a laptop, and tablet with stand when backwards on keyboard.  Now I want to introduce the X1 carbon touch.  This is the both the second most durable laptop with a carbon fiber protection and the second lightest of the laptops weighing 3.4 lbs.  This isn't the most of either of those because an identical X1 carbon made sometime earlier didn't have the touch screen meaning less weight less chance of something breaking.  Like the Helix it has Up to a 3rd generation Intel Core i7 processor, Up to 256GB storage and up to 8GB memory.  Now to finish I would like to talk about an older Lenovo specifically the T60p.  It is a 2006 Lenovo.  The first to have a fingerprint reader.  High durability not as high as the X1 carbon and it weighs about nine pounds.  Why would I talk about this computer you might ask why would I talk about this well to that I tell you that in 7 years Lenovo has moved very far also it was the only Lenovo I owned.
    My lenovo isn't very good and I want that X1 touch.  That is the reason I chose this topic. I find that Lenovo is a great computer engineering company and besides the X series they are quite cheap.  That is why if anyone decides to get a new computer I would suggest opening this link and checking out the products

drone response

          I believe hat drones should be only for reconnaissance.  The predator is to dangerous.  I believe that we don't know how to use these correctly.  A country That did know would be three times as dangerous, and three time as safe.
           The re-con drones are much better than the predator.  They save lives and I'd prefer them.  We should be looking for safety not destruction and then protect it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

video game response


 I don't have a huge selection of game consoles and any I do want I have to pay for with money I earn.  I try to enjoy the games I have.  My most Favorite game is called Ratchet and clank size matters.

        Ratchet and clank is a game story series.  There are 11 game in the story and two extras.  Size matters is the 5th game.  It is one of the only PSP games in r and c.

      Ratchet is a Lombax.  Lombaxes look like a cross between a cat and a fox.  Clank is a small robot.  They met up together in the first game and stop an evil person from destroying there solar system.  They then go on fight to save a different galaxy in game 2.

       During Size matters you play on 9 levels. Almost all of them a different planets. The first planet is an island resort. Ratchet was on vacation when he was interupted by someone who wanted pictures of him fighting.  He agreed to this and fought some evil robots around the island.  The the person taking pictures gets taken ratchet goes after her and they go to another planet where they find out she is on a different planet.  They go there but the girl turns out to be evil and ratchet get captured while clank gets thrown away to a trash planet.  Clank has to fight some people to find out where ratchet is but then he gets the information goes there save ratchet and they continue going to a few different planets then you finish of the game by fighting the person who was making evil ratchet clones.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

cej #2

Florida's overrun





In Florida you can earn up to $1500 for catching snakes. You need to drink water and don't get bitten. You can get $1000 for catching the largest snake and there is a prize of 2 dozen sheep to the python that gets the most snake hunter. Now you might think $1500 is a lot of money but the truth is the most snakes caught will probably be 6 or so. Carl Hiassen said that the snakes would be hard to find. Pythons are huge they can eat people. You would need to be very careful to not be eaten. You would not make a good living fight these snakes but if you want the snakes go ahead.

I thought that this was a great story. It was funny and interesting. Florida was just doing this for the tourists.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

enders game chapters 1-5

1)They always say that and they did again.

- his parents, negative and positive
- his brother, Peter, negative
- his sister, Valentine,
- his classmates. negative

Chapter 2 – Peter
1.  At first he meant it but when his sister talked about being elected he let up a bit and then stopped

2. I don't know   

3.peter is feeling as though he needs to prove he's strong.
Ender feels free
Valentine feels helpless
Chapter 3 – Graff
1. in the time of war you want warriors, but most women don't train to be a warrior.
2. Ender is leaving to learn how to fight a war, yet he takes Graff’s hand. Why does
Orson Scott Card (OSC) include this action?

Chapter 4 – Launch
1.   Humans can be manipulated those who see that are more likely to survive

2. If Ender isn't isolated then he will feel more comfortable and lose his creativeness and be worthless.

3.Yes if you are attacked and there is no help you can defend yourself

Chapter 5 – Games
1.  Is it healthy for him or not?   no
What is positive and what is negative about showing feelings?  What is positive and what is negative about not showing feelings?

2. How did Ender beat Bernard?  He used his desk to send threatening messages.  Is this an unusual solution to his problem? yes

3. List the different coping mechanisms (ways of dealing with difficulties) Ender
shows. For each one describe whether the overall result of each is helpful or
harmful to Ender.

Monday, February 4, 2013

cej #1

Your technology vs. your dogs who will win
Cej #1
NPR’s Wait Wait

        Your technology is your puppies enemy.  Recently in San Francisco
 newspapers were short and the puppies weren’t getting their cages 
lined at the San Francisco animal control agency.  The puppies didn’t 
have newspapers and that was bad.  Puppies who don’t have thei
papers aren’t the same.  They have been needing them more than any second grader trying to do paper mache.  The library saved the day and gave old newspapers to line the doggy cages.  They filled an animal control van with two 32 gallon recycling bins filled with newspapers.  The dogs are already getting their papers again but this is just a small scoop of the whole story so why not look up the rest and see if you can find something really important I missed.  
      This was a great story to me.  I like dogs and the story was important to me because they were actually less likely to be adopted because of our technology.  I Thank you for reading and wish the dogs good luck.