Thursday, March 7, 2013

Orson Scott Card Article Response

     Even after reading this article my opinion of the book has not changed, but my opinion of the author has.  The book doesn't speak out against same-sex marriage even though Card does.  The book was great and I would probably have liked it more if it hadn't been assigned to us.  The author is just a little too far behind.  He already lost this battle and won't be getting a better chance.  He won't let this go until he truly realizes he will never win because after one win you must fight again until you lose.  He should realize this because he was basically saying it in his novels.  Mr. Vack shouldn't remove this book because Card was just the author and didn't speak out as much as he is now.  Card needs to see that he is just making enemies.  If he was on the other side of this maybe if there was an anti-anti-gay group going against him and he was being told that he was undeserving of rights he would see this.  That is all my thoughts though not facts opinions.  Maybe none of that would work but it would be worth a try.

1 comment:

  1. This is the kind of thoughtful response I would love to read more of. I think it's hilarious that you would like the book more it it wasn't assigned!
